Sometimes the differences between people are so great that they will never come together regarding certain concepts. Does that mean we shouldn't be civil to one another? NO!!
It may be impossible to overcome a lifetime of learning. Attitudes, values and morals that are heard in the womb and later taught to an infant or toddler are so deeply ingrained that they may never change. But, your values as an adult should come from a lifetime of learning, reflecting and soul searching, not just what you heard as a child. Certainly not from what you've read or heard from the media.
How do we change the future?
We can find things to be thankful for in our own lives. We can look at things from a different point of view. We can accept that the differences in life can be what make it interesting and exciting. We can find topics that we agree on to talk about and eventually we might learn to discuss things we don't agree about....sharing ideas and reasons for why we believe what we do without getting angry at others who have a different point of view. We can honor every individual as a person who is important in someone's world, even if they aren't important in our own.
Most importantly, we can respect each other's differences. Even if we do it quietly. Silently.